The Flora and Fauna of Palestine has not been studied, based on a scientific approach, at the national level. For that, our team of biodiversity expertise put on their shoulders to conduct a comprehensive survey for the flora and fauna in Palestine. We started with two major component of the West Bank Biodiversity, the Flora and Avifauna.  These two project are self-funded by NPS and we are looking for funds to continue this important field survey.

The general aims of this project is:
1) To create a complete checklist of the flora and fauna of Palestine.
2) To determine the presence of rare or threatened species.
3) To determine the presence of invasive plant and animals species.
4)To monitor changes in biodiversity over time.
5) To  help creating a priority conservation actions for endangered species.
6) To examine main anthropogenic  causes of biodiversity decline or loss.
​7) To establish a public awareness campaign towered biodiversity  


The team of Nature Palestine Society (NPS) took full responsibility  to conduct a comprehensive survey for the birds of Palestine.
So far, 229 bird species have been recorded, in the West Bank, during the last 2 years of survey. The recorded bird species include resident breeding species, summer visitor breeders, migratory species, winter visitors, and vagrants. Through literature review, we found some species went extinct in Palestine , such as the lapped-face Vulture.  We are also working on establishing research sites to monitor migratory soaring birds at important locations within the West Bank.


Our team of plant taxonomists are conducting a comprehensive flora survey throughout the West Bank to explore and record all existing plant species. This project is led by the Palestinian plant taxonomist Mr. Banan Al Shekh. So far, more than 1600 plant species were recorded. The survey will continue for the next 3 years.