The objective of the training was to create, enhance, and develop the young Palestinian professionals’ capacity and equip them with the tools, skills, and knowledge in the fields of environmental law and environmental entrepreneurship through conducting a series of webinars. The program was implimented during the corona pendimic, therefore was executed sololely online.   The program  targeted 25 young Palestinian university graduates, from both genders, from all over the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The first series of webinars focused on environmental legistlations on the national and regional levels, while the second set of webinars focused on developing environmental enterpenurs, and presented success stories in Palestine, inorder to  improve the skills of young professionals in Palestine. in interdisciplinary. The webinars were led by top experts in the targeted fields, which offered the participanlts needed knowledge, skills, and tools to increase their competence in the labour market in Palestine.

Donor: Palestinian Affais Unit, American Embassy

Date:   September 2020 – September 2021

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